
read_mfprof(fileName, SI_units=True, convert_time=True)[source]#

Read .mfprof binary files of the Met-Flow UDV. This is mostly a direct python translation of the matlab script given by Met-Flow.

  • fileName (str) – Path to the .mfprof file.

  • SI_units (bool) – If True, convert units to the international system (the default is True).

  • convert_time (bool) – If True, convert the time vector into seconds (the default is True).


  • Data (dict) – Dictionnary with the data stored in the mprof files. Available keys are: ‘transducer’, ‘profileTime’, ‘DopplerData’, ‘AmplitudeData’, ‘DistanceAlongBeam’

  • Parameters (dict) – Dictionnary with the parameters used in the UVP software when sampling the data. See UVP documentation for detail. Keys are: ‘Frequency’, ‘StartChannel’, ‘ChannelDistance’, ‘ChannelWidth’, ‘MaximumDepth’, ‘SoundSpeed’, ‘Angle’, ‘GainStart’, ‘GainEnd’, ‘Voltage’, ‘Iterations’, ‘NoiseLevel’, ‘CyclesPerPulse’, ‘TriggerMode’, ‘TriggerModeName’, ‘ProfileLength’, ‘ProfilesPerBlock’, ‘Blocks’, ‘AmplitudeStored’, ‘DoNotStoreDoppler’, ‘RawDataMin’, ‘RawDataMax’, ‘RawDataRange’, ‘AmplDataMin’, ‘AmplDataMax’, ‘VelocityInterpretingMode’, ‘UserSampleTime’, ‘SampleTime’, ‘UseMultiplexer’, ‘FlowMapping’, ‘FirstValidChannel’, ‘LastValidChannel’, ‘FlowRateType’, ‘PeriodEnhOffset’, ‘PeriodEnhPeriod’, ‘PeriodEnhNCycles’, ‘Comment’, ‘MeasurementProtocol’, ‘NumberOfCycles’, ‘CycleDelay’, ‘Version’, ‘Table’

  • Infos (dict) – Dictionnary with some informations stored during sampling of the data. Keys are ‘Signum’, ‘measParamsOffset’, ‘nProfiles’, ‘reserved1’, ‘flags’, ‘recordSize’, ‘nChannels’, ‘reserved2’, ‘startTime’.

  • Units (dict) – Dictionnary with the units of the variables stored in the other dictionnaries. Keys are the name of the variables.

Examples using pyudv.read_mfprof.read_mfprof#

Read and plot .mfprof data

Read and plot .mfprof data