Downloading topography data from OpenTopography#

NOTE: This module has been moved as an example because the gdal python module can not be easily installed, which prevent from an appropriate maintenance of the pydune package.

This module allows to dowload data from global topography datasets hosted at OpenTopography . Before using this module, please read the corresponding documentation here, and the data sources here.

Roughly, the steps are:

  • create an OpenTopography account here

  • once logged in go to ‘MyOpenTopo’, then in the ‘My Account’ tab go to ‘myOpenTopo Authorizations and API Key’

  • click ‘Request API Key’ and declare the string as your API_Key variable in Python

import os
import requests
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal

def getting_GOT_topography_data(bounds, directory='./', demtype='AW3D30', API_Key='demoapikeyot2022'):
    """ This fuction downloads a GeoTiff from OpenTopography of a region of interest in a public global topography dataset.

    bounds : tuple
        the bounding values for a rectangle where topography data. format is south, north, east, west.
    directory : str
        the directory where the GeoTiff should be saved (default value is the current directory).
    demtype : str
        the global dataset used. options are 'SRTMGL3','SRTMGL1','SRTMGL1_E','AW3D30','AW3D30_E','SRTM15Plus','NASADEM','COP30','COP90' (default value is 'AW3D30')
    API_Key : str
        the user API key for OpenTopography which can be found in the MyOpenTopo portal (default value is the demonstration key for 2022 which may expire 'demoapikeyot2022')

    fname : str
        the downloaded file name including the full path

    >>> south,north,east,west = 21.25,21.35,54.45,54.55
    >>> bounds = (south,north,east,west)
    >>> loc = GlobalOT.getting_topography_data(bounds,demtype='SRTMGL3')

    south, north, east, west = bounds
    if east >= west:
        raise ValueError('east bound must be strictly less than west bound')
    if south >= north:
        raise ValueError('south bound must be strictly less than north bound')

    demtypes = ['SRTMGL3', 'SRTMGL1', 'SRTMGL1_E', 'AW3D30',
                'AW3D30_E', 'SRTM15Plus', 'NASADEM', 'COP30', 'COP90']
    if demtype not in demtypes:
        raise ValueError(
            'demtype must be one of the following:\n'+'\n'.join(demtypes))

    if not os.path.isdir(directory):
        raise ValueError('directory must exist')

    fname = 'OpenTopo_%s_S%s_N%s_E%s_W%s.tif' % (
        demtype, south, north, east, west)
    apiurl = '' % (
        demtype, south, north, east, west, API_Key)
    r = requests.get(apiurl, stream=True)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        with open(directory+fname, 'wb') as f:
        print('Topography successfully downloaded.')
    elif r.status_code == 400:
        return 'Bad request to OpenTopography. Could be due to size; try decreasing bounds.'
    elif r.status_code == 401:
        return 'Unauthorized access to OpenTopography. Could be API Key.'
    elif r.status_code == 500:
        return 'Internal Error with OpenTopography.'
    return directory+fname

def load_xyz_geotiff(fname):
    """ This fuction loads a GeoTiff of topography data and returns coordinate arrays (x,y) and the elevation array (z).

    fname : str
        the path to the GeoTiff file

    x : numpy array
        the 1-d east-west coordinate array, is in the native units from the GeoTiff
    y : numpy array
        the 1-d south-north coordinate array, is in the native units from the GeoTiff
    z : numpy array
        the 2-d elevation array, origin is southeast corner, is in the native units from the GeoTiff
    img = gdal.Open(fname)
    band = img.GetRasterBand(1)
    z = np.flipud(band.ReadAsArray())
    width = img.RasterXSize
    height = img.RasterYSize
    gt = img.GetGeoTransform()
    minx = gt[0]
    miny = gt[3] + width*gt[4] + height*gt[5]
    maxx = gt[0] + width*gt[1] + height*gt[2]
    maxy = gt[3]
    x = np.linspace(minx, maxx, width)
    y = np.linspace(miny, maxy, height)
    return x, y, z

Downloading topography data from OpenTopography#

# Please find below a typical script allowing to download SRTM Global 3-arcsecond data from OpenTopography.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    south, north, east, west = 21.25, 21.35, 54.45, 54.55
    bounds = (south, north, east, west)
    loc = getting_GOT_topography_data(bounds, demtype='SRTMGL3')

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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