
In this module, the function solve_turbulent_flow solve the turbulent flow on a sinusoidal bottom in different configurations:

  • ‘1D_unbounded’: 1D, unbounded turbulent flow (in practice capped by a rigid lid, that should be put far from the bed) [1, 2]

  • ‘1D_freesurface’: 1D, turbulent flow capped by a free surface (typically river configuration) [1, 2]

  • ‘1D_freeatmosphere’: 1D, turbulent flow capped by a stratified flow (typically atmopshere configuration) [3]

  • ‘2D_unbounded’: 2D, unbounded turbulent flow (in practice capped by a rigid lid, that should be put far from the bed) [1, 2, 3]

For details on the flow theoretical modelling, please refer to the references below.


[1] Fourrière, A. (2009). Morphodynamique des rivières: Sélection de la largeur, rides et dunes (Doctoral dissertation, Université Paris-Diderot-Paris VII).

[2] Fourriere, A., Claudin, P., & Andreotti, B. (2010). Bedforms in a turbulent stream: formation of ripples by primary linear instability and of dunes by nonlinear pattern coarsening. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 649, 287-328.

[3] Andreotti, B., Fourriere, A., Ould-Kaddour, F., Murray, B., & Claudin, P. (2009). Giant aeolian dune size determined by the average depth of the atmospheric boundary layer. Nature, 457(7233), 1120-1123.

[4] Andreotti, B., Claudin, P., Devauchelle, O., Durán, O., & Fourrière, A. (2012). Bedforms in a turbulent stream: ripples, chevrons and antidunes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 690, 94-128.



This function solves the perturbation of the flow induced by a sinusoidal bottom in various configurations.